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MLK Dayton, Inc.

MLK Dayton, Inc. would like
to thank everyone who participated in the MLK celebration. We look forward to seeing you next year.

MLK Celebration

Theme: A Charge to Keep I Have

Welcome back as we move toward 2025!

Thank you for your generosity and continued support for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King celebration.   

Every January, thousands of people with diverse backgrounds march from West Third Street to downtown Dayton to honor the memory and advance the progress of clergyman, African American civil rights activist, and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  

The month-long celebration features events such as an interfaith worship service, Emancipation Proclamation, youth celebration, workshop, musical, march, and banquet.


"A Charge to Keep I Have" is the theme for this year's event and the evening banquet will feature an electric address by Dr. Rodney Kennedy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a prolific writer, highly accomplished author, activist who is committed to civil rights and social justice. 


While great progress has been made in the Dayton area and across the country, there is still much to do for civil and human rights. MLK Dayton, Inc. is committed to making Dr. King's dream a reality. We ask that you join us in creating celebration and change in our community,  MLK Dayton, Inc. Mr. Anthony Whitmore, civil and human rights activist, and retired executive leads planning committee. It is comprised of diverse community leaders, church leaders, local businesses, community agencies, non-profit organizations, and youth. Our mission is to inspire legislators and citizens to action and to further the social justice envisioned by Dr. King.

If you have questions about MLK Dayton, Inc. celebrations, please contact program co-chairs Garth Adams (937)-823-2311 and James Mallory (937) 554-9650.  

Contributions are crucial to advancing the vision and mission of MLK Dayton, Inc. Thank you for considering a sponsorship or donation. We look forward to celebrating with you as we progress civil rights, human rights, and social justice. Please be a part of MLK Dayton's celebration by supporting this organization in your 2025 budget.


Banquet and prayer breakfast tickets may be purchased through Eventbrite by scanning the QR code below or contacting banquet co-chair Neco Benson (720) 871-2114.


 Yours truly,  


Anthony B. Whitmore   

President, MLK Dayton, Inc

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